Eastern Whip-Poor-Will: Seen on 5/7 at the Hallet Sanctuary. Lifer!
Common Nighthawk: Seen on 5/8 at Summit Rock and 5/9 in the Ramble. Both sleeping.
Least Sandpiper: A flock of them were seen on Governors Islamd on 5/7
Red-Headed Woodpecker: One at feeders in beginning of May
White-Eyed Vireo: Heard-only at Belvedere Castle
Yellow-Throated Vireo: One during the month
Worm-Eating Warbler: About 4 seen
Louisiana Waterthrush: 1 on 5/16 at Laupot Bridge
Tennessee Warbler: 1 seen at Turtle Pond early in the month
KENTUCKY WARBLER: Washington Sqaure Park on 5/12. Lifer!
Hooded Warbler: few
Bay-Breasted Warbler: Several
Blackburnian Warbler: Several
White-Crowned Sparrow: Maintenance Meadow beginning of May.
SUMMER TANAGER: female on Sunday at Maintenance Meadows, excellent views of male at Azalea Pond today (5/17)
BLUE GROSBEAK: Battery Park 5/9. Lifer!
Orchard Oriole: 2