Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Reservoir Warblers and Tennessee Elsewhere

So on Monday evening, I was birding in the Ramble where it was nearly devoid of birds, when I heard that Ryan had found a Bay-Breasted Warbler at the south side of the Reservoir. I rushed up there to find a large flock of many species of warbler. After a while, I got a brief look at the Bay-Breasted (#142), but the light kept getting worse and I left. The next day, I went there in the afternoon just to see if there was more to this place. Indeed, I saw 13 species of warblers there, including a few more Bay-Breasteds, a Cape May (also seen on Monday), and a Blackburnian. Today, I had similar haul, with about a dozen species seen there, including the previously mentioned three. Aside from that, I went to chase a Tennessee Warbler that was sighted at the Weather Station, Belvedere Castle, and Turtle Pond. I first went to the Turtle Pond dock, where there were a few warblers, but nothing special. Next, I went to Shakespeare Garden, where I heard calls that sounded suspicious, but it turned out they were coming from a cardinal. I then went to the path leading up to the castle, when I spotted a few warblers in the trees. I laid my eyes on a bird that looked a bit like a vireo, but smaller. I could have the bird in my sights! Now I just had to find a defining feature. Then the bird started to sing. It was an unmistakable Tennessee Warbler (#143) song! Somehow, I have managed to relocate this rapidly moving bird after hours of not being seen. And just as quickly as it appeared, it flew towards the Turtle Pond dock and vanished.

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