Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day 1: First Birds of 2016!

My first bird of the year came just 8 minutes after midnight on New Years. I was watching the fireworks in Central Park when a Blue Jay flew into view! That morning, I added two more birds to the list, which were Ring-Billed Gulls and Rock Pigeons seen from my bedroom window. Later that day in the afternoon, I went out to Central Park to find as many bird species as possible. I earned House Sparrow along the way, and then entered the park. Almost instantly, I started seeing new bird species everywhere. Mourning doves are roosting in the trees. A Black-Capped Chickadee chatters away in the trees. A White-Throated Sparrow forages in the leaf litter. I then went to Turtle Pond, where I added some Mallards and a pair of Hooded Mergansers to the list. Already up to 12 species, I went up to the Reservoir, where I almost doubled my list, seeing many great birds, including Pied-Billed Grebe, Double-Crested Cormorant, and several species of ducks, as well as Tufted Timice. Then at the Pinetum, I added Red-Tailed Hawk, Red-Bellied Woodpecker, and a heard-only Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker. I then made my way to the Upper Lobe, adding a few American Robins along the way. All I found there was a heard-only Cedar Waxwing. I then went to Evodia Field, and the first thing I saw was probably the best bird of the day. It was a RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET on the feeders! Now I don't have to wait 4 months for a bird that will probably be in almost every tree! Anyway, I added a few finches and a Downy Woodpecker, as well as the continuing GREAT HORNED OWL. I then made my way to Laupot bridge, where I added my last birds of the day, which were a Brown Creeper and a Hermit Thrush. A day with 35 species is a great start to the new year. Then again, I have more work to do, as there are still several more easy species I need to pick up. Not seeing Common Grackle yet shows how much I have yet to find.

Year list: 35

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