Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Targets for the Rest of the Year

Here is a list of target species for the rest that I made for myself in late September. The ones shaded in green are the ones I have seen since.

White-Crowned Sparrow (in sparrow flocks in October)

Greater or Lesser Scaup (Wandering Waterfowl)
American Wigeon (Wandering Waterfowl)
Common Merganser (Wandering Waterfowl)
Blue-Winged or Green-Winged Teal (Wandering Waterfowl)
Northern Pintail (Wandering Waterfowl)
Any type of owl (a few species may show up each winter)
Broad-Winged Hawk (Hawk migration isn't over yet!)
Red-Shouldered Hawk (migration or winter)
Turkey Vulture (migration)
Merlin (migration or wintering)
Solitary Sandpiper (migration)
Belted Kingfisher (always a chance)
Phillidelphia Vireo (migration)
Least Flycatcher (migration)
Prairie Warbler (hopefully I will see a straggler)
Yellow Breasted Chat (migration)

Canvasback (Wandering Waterfowl)
Redhead (Wandering Waterfowl)
Northern Harrier (migration)
Eastern Bluebird (migration)
Clay-Colored Sparrow (many are starting to be reported in Long Island)
Nelson's Sparrow (If I can get to Randall's Island)
Saltmarsh Sparrow (If I can get to Randall's Island)

Additionally, a few rarities are usually bound to appear in the last 3 months of the year. Most of these birds are from the west, so hopefully something will be as (preferably more) confiding than the Couch's Kingbird of

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