Thursday, February 26, 2015

March Targets

There's only a few days left in the month, so this is my target list for March. I got 5 (and 2 possible) out of the 5-10 I was expecting. Again on the low side, but the target numbers don't take into effect the winter we've been having. The biggest miss was Red-Shouldered Hawk, which I missed by less than two minutes because it stopped circling near the observers and flew away. On the other hand, the best bird out of the 5 was the American Tree Sparrow. I wasn't sure if it would turn up, but one did at the end of January at the feeders and is still there now. Brown Thrasher is also notable. The one I saw was attracted by me feeding birds, and it really suprised me. I wasn't sure what point of the year I would get this bird, all I knew is it would probably be before June. My target list has broadened, as many migrants are scheduled to come through. I aim for 10-15 new species during the month of March.

Month Total: 44
Month Additions: 8 (+1)
Year List To Date: 2014:52   <   2015: 58 (+1)

Pine Warbler (migrants arrive)*
Palm Warbler (migrants arrive)*
Winter Wren (migrants start to arrive)*
Golden-Crowned Kinglet (migrants start to arrive)*
Eastern Phoebe (migrants start to arrive)*
Red-Winged Blackbird (some winter, some start to migrate)*
Swamp Sparrow (migrants start to arrive)*
Common Merganser (a few each year)
Common Loon (annual)
Pied-Billed Grebe (sometimes on the Reservoir)
Double-Crested Cormorant (small numbers of wintering birds in the city, migrants start to arrive)*
Great Egret (migrants start to arrive)*
Great Blue Heron (occasional winterer.)*
Black-Crowned Night Heron (migrants start to arrive)*
Sharp-Shinned Hawk (some winter)*
American Kestrel (many resident)*
American Woodcock (migrants)*
Any kind of owl (annual)*
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet (some may come late in the month, definite in April)*
Gray Catbird (scarce winterer, may start to migrate)*
Northern Mockingbird (some winter, may start to migrate)*
Cedar Waxwing (a flock can wander into the area)*
Yellow-Rumped Warbler (early migrants)*
Prairie Warbler (early migrants)*
Brown Headed Cowbird (scarce winterer, some start to migrate)*
Rusty Blackbird (migrants come through)*
Field Sparrow (early migrants)*
Purple Finch (migrants?)*
Northern Pintail (annual)
Bald Eagle (a few reports)*
Red-Shouldered Hawk (a few winter around the city, early migrants)*
Merlin (sometimes wanders into the park)*
Iceland Gull (wintered at the park for the past few years. Will it show again?)
Red-Headed Woodpecker (Can appear in winter and spring)*
Common Raven (flyovers have been reported)
Eastern Bluebird (one could turn up)*
Yellow-Throated Warbler (Sometimes an overshoot comes in late March)
White-Crowned Sparrow (sometimes seen in winter)*

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