Thursday, March 31, 2016

March In Review

March is really not a fun month to go birding. Many winterers are gone, so birding is a bit more difficult. Migrants do show up, but there aren't a lot of them. Anyway, I added 9 species to my year list this month. My first addition (#61) was a wandering Horned Grebe at the Reservoir on the 7th. I then took advantage of an early invasion of Eastern Phoebes (#62) on the 11th and found 3 of them. They are now uncommon to fairly common in the park. On the 13th, I saw two overwintering birds, which were a Gray Catbird (#63) at the feeders, and a Great Blue Heron (#64) at the Pond. On the 17th, I saw two transitioning Horned Grebes on the Lake. Not year birds, but still fun to watch. On the 18th I found a Tree Swallow (#65) at Turtle Pond and a Winter Wren (#66) at the Gill. On the 19th, I found a Golden-Crowned Kinglet (#67) at the Point. On the 24th after some searching, I found two Pine Warblers (#68) at the Pinetum. On the 25th, I saw 3 Black-Crowned Night Herons (#69) at the Pond. I can't wait for migration to ramp up in April!

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