Before the birdwalk today, I walked around the Ramble for a bit. I saw a Golden-Crowned Kinglet, Swamp Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, Pied-Billed Grebe (told where it was by someone), and Northern Flicker. At the start of the walk, there were several Eastern Phoebes and a Great Egret at Turtle Pond. As we were leaving, my friend Ryan spotted a large flock of birds on the great lawn. It mainly consisted of juncos, but it also held a Chipping Sparrow (not seen), a few Golden-Crowned Kinglets, 2 Pine Warblers, and 3-4 Palm Warblers. We followed the Palms back to the dock after a bit, and we found Wood Ducks that flew in. After this, we went into the Ramble. There we got good looks at a Field Sparrow. I also spotted an American Kestrel there. When we were at the Point, a few birders told me that there was a Rusty Blackbird seen at the Gill. After going to the point, we headed there, and sure enough, the bird was singing and very visible. We then went to lunch. After lunch, I went to search for a Common Loon on the Reservoir that I had missed yesterday. When I got there, I ran into another birder, and after a few minutes, we spotted the loon, which was in full breeding plumage. 8 new year birds really made my day today!
# 63. Pied-Billed Grebe
# 64. Swamp Sparrow
# 65. Pine Warbler
# 66. Palm Warbler
# 67. Field Sparrow
# 68. American Kestrel
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