Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Prothonotary Warbler -YES!!!

On Monday, a rehabbed Prothonotary Warbler was released at Tanner's Spring in Central Park after striking a building nearby. It was found later that afternoon at Turtle Pond. It was seen there the next day. I went to try to find the bird myself on Tuesday afternoon. When I got there, I searched all around, but could not find the bird among the many Yellow-Rumped and Palm Warblers, as well as a few Pine Warblers. I thought I might have heard it, but it was probably just a Yellow-Rumped Warbler song that stood out, or maybe even the singing of a Yellow Warbler (they have been seen here). As I was heading home, through the Ramble, someone told me that the bird was seen at The Point. I rushed over there, and there it was, standing out like a jewel. It often came within a few feet of me and others. The official American Birding Association rules states that once a released bird is behaving normally and has moved a considerable distance away from the release site, it can be counted. A sweet new addition to the year list.

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